Public spaces have secret meaning for people. Most of these associations are positive or neutral; others are decidedly negative. These negative associations often include memories of the last time a person has seen someone who they no longer speak to, such as a former friend, an ex, or an estranged family member. These types of place-associations are often kept secret even from friends, and can bring up bad feelings unexpectedly.

"The Last Time I Saw…" is a Providence RI-specific book/art project that serves as a forum and memorial for these types of memories. It documents both the stories themselves, and the exact places in Providence where they occurred.








The final product involves:

- a free book (which we handed out to passersby, and left in public places in and around Providence in July 2007) Note: There are still some copies left, email us at if you would like one. Or click on "book", to your left, to download the PDF version

- a walking tour (which took place in Providence in July 2007)

- an interactive map of all of the stories that we received (available by clicking on the "map" link, to your left)
