Timeline & findings
Make a prediction!
The history of Somerville, 2010-2100 Contact

(image source: R. Dorissa's Flickr page)

Tim talking about the future at the Somerville Arts Council's "Somerville in Shorts" event. August 2009.

During 2009, 2010 and 2011, we held a number of events as part of this project.

We set up our Future Information Table on the street in different neighborhoods. This let us collect predictions, and talk to people about the future.

We gave a number of Future Presentations about the future. These talks took place in people's homes, at the Somerville Public Library, and as part of Somerville Arts Council events (such as Artbeat and Somerville in Shorts). At all of these events, people were welcome to share their views on the future. We had a lot of great discussions!

We also had an art show at the Nave Gallery. On the walls was a timeline of the future that visitors could add to. At the reception, futurist Seth Itzkan gave a talk. We then held Future-aoke, during which volunteers got up on the mic, and shared their views on the future. Afterwards, Neil Horsky and Anna Newton played some music on instruments that haven't been invented yet! (Here are some photos.)