
tim devin

What are you raising them for?

Tim Devin tells you all about 70s hippie parenting.

Tim looks at parenting ideas found in 1970s hippie publications -- and compares them with what grown-up hippie writers have to say about their youth. Topics include alternative schools, food, and gender roles, among many others.

The book also profiles a few of Tim's favorite hippie magazines, like "Communities Magazine," "Synergy," and "Kaliflower."

Published by Free the Future Press.

Date: 2016.

Buy the book!

64 pages. 17 illustrations. 5.5" wide x 8.5" high.

Price: $7.50 + $2.50 shipping and handling in the U.S.

For people outside of the U.S., shipping will vary, so please email tdevin @
