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The history of Somerville, 2010-2100 Contact
2010s - 2020s - 2030s - 2040s - 2050s - 2060s - 2070s - 2080s - 2090s - 2100

Community participant predictions

Somerville has waterways like Venice. Gondoliering is established as a Somerville tradition. Just like the city has a Fluff Fest, it now also has a Gondo Fest.
(source: Stacy Hill and Erin Leiman. To see all of their predictions, click here.)


(image source: Bill Ritchotte)

Other predictions

12% (about 1250) of the bird species existing at the beginning of the 21st century are extinct or threatened with extinction.
(source: Pimm et al., "Human impacts on the rates of recent, present, and future bird extinctions")


Emperor Penguins are pushed to the brink of extinction due to global climate change.
(source: Dunham, "Melting sea ice may doom Emperor Penguins, study finds," Washington Post)


The ocean’s pH has declined 0.4 units
(source: "Global catastrophes and trends: the next 50 years")


2/3 of humans live in cities. 6.4 degrees by 2100, compared to 2006 temperatures.
(source: Attali, "A brief history of the future: a brave and controversial look at the twenty-first century")