sources: Google Street View, and City of Cambridge website)
Davis Square,
2014: Somerville installs more of the rotating red sculptures
currently on display at the Porter Square T stop. They are cleverly-disguised
wind turbines.
(source: Adam Olenn)
Click on a decade
or year above to read about the future.

to the 2010s
Besides the
destruction of the Universe in late 2012, the 2010s see a great
many changes in Somerville.
Many families
move out of town, due to the poor quality of city's schools. The
vacuum this creates is filled with more and more young people, who
bring with them a different set of interests. Suddenly, there is
a major push towards community sharing. Mobile libraries circulate
through town; these libraries also lend tools, art supplies, and
other useful items. A community print shop also opens up, as does
an artisan craft and food mart that allows residents to sell the
food they make at home. This same shift in demographics also causes
the city to sell the old Powder House School to developers in 2010,
and to provide even less funding for schools. This, in turn, causes
more families to move out. By the end of the decade, East Somerville
is the cultural focus of this new Somerville, a dog is its mayor,
and Tufts University is its overlord.
The city's residents
take a number of steps to protect the environment. Gyms are now
powered by the exercise that people do in them. Wind turbines are
placed around town, on hills and on top of buildings; some are disguised
as sculptures. Microgenerators appear on doors, harnessing power
from their openings and closings. Property owners use all of these
devices to sell electricity back to the system. To reward these
property owners, the city decreases property tax; in turn, owners
stop raising rent.
More and more
members of the community become environmentally conscious. Many
businesses stop offering Styrofoam packages and plastic bags; widespread
community composting and recycling help to minimize trash and litter.
Bicycles become very popular--so much so that the city creates special
bike lanes on every street, extends the bike path to Boston, and
converts hundreds of parking spaces for cars into parking spaces
for bikes. As a result, more and more people get rid of their cars,
and convert their driveways to gardens. Some see this as a backlash
against the surge in car traffic that began the decade.
The Green Line
extends to Union Square, and to Medford. This takes place twice:
in 2014, and then again the next year. The McGrath Highway is lowered,
most likely as a result of the extension. Somerville also gets its
own Orange Line stop in 2013, as part of the development of Assembly
Square; however, this is a temporary gain, as Assembly Square is
flooded the same year by rising sea waters. The MBTA's new Somerville
service proves unreliable. Fed up and frustrated, the city establishes
its own public transit system. This system consists of hybrid vans
which cost $1 per ride, and come every five minutes.
Rounder Records
breaks away from its parent corporation, and returns to Somerville
in 2017, where it becomes a major force in the record industry.
Rounder workers create an algorithm that identifies illegal file-sharing
on the web. Their stock soars overnight, and millions of new dollars
are pumped into Somerville's economy.
the US government splits its focus between space travel and the
environment. NASA continues exploring space, sending missions to
Mars and Venus. Solar power competes with fossil fuels in cost.
A ban is introduced on incandescent light bulbs. The decade also
sees the qualifying age for Medicare reduced to 55; the first woman
president of the United States; and wars between the US and Iran,
and between the US and North Korea.
While these
changes are taking place, the country's economy begins to spiral
downwards. Globally, there are drastic changes as well. The US's
economic nosedive causes other national economies to begin to fail.
With over 7 billion people now on the planet, resources become strained.
Water shortages lead to riots worldwide. A large chunk of the population
becomes vegetarian, by choice or by necessity.
