Timeline & findings
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The history of Somerville, 2010-2100 Contact
2010s - 2020s - 2030s - 2040s - 2050s - 2060s - 2070s - 2080s - 2090s - 2100
2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019

Community participant predictions

Assembly Square is flooded by rising sea levels, caused by climate change.
(source: Maureen Barillaro. To see all of her predictions, click here.)


Tufts University expands, and takes over Somerville.
(source: Anonymous)


Somerville now has an artisan craft and food mart where people can come and sell food they've make at home.
(source: Brad. To see all of his predictions, click here.)

Other predictions

December 21, 2012
The world ends.
(source: the ancient Mayans)


No date given
The sun reverses its own magnetic poles as a result of reaching the end of the current 11-year sunspot cycle.
(source: Wikipedia, quoting NASA)