Timeline & findings
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The history of Somerville, 2010-2100 Contact
2010s - 2020s - 2030s - 2040s - 2050s - 2060s - 2070s - 2080s - 2090s - 2100
2030 - 2031 - 2032 - 2033 - 2034 - 2035 - 2036 - 2037 - 2038 - 2039

Community participant predictions

June 30, 2030

(image source: Anonymous)


No date given
Somerville is totally gentrified. All the Victorian houses have been snapped up and renovated. Somerville is completely unaffordable for most.
(source: Jessica Straus. To see all of her predictions, click here.)


Other predictions

No dates given
The new Green Line extension through Somerville has the following daily boardings, per station:
- Lechmere 11,100
- Brickbottom 2,840
- Gilman Square 4,520
- Lowell Street 1,260
- Ball Square 1,890
- College Avenue 2,100
- Mystic Valley Parkway/Route 16 2,000
- Union Square 2,310
(source: MBTA, "Green Line Extension Project fact sheet, Winter 2009")


There is a 50 percent increase in world energy demand, compare to 2005 levels, according to U.S. Department of Energy. All new federal buildings are carbon-neutral, as stated in the 2007 Energy Act. 70 percent of Hawaii's energy comes from renewables, thanks in part to a ban on new coal plants. One-fifth of U.S. power comes from wind, the DOE predicts. One-fourth of U.S. workers wear a green collar, according to the American Solar Energy Society. There are 20 million new jobs created by renewable industry.
(source: Schirber, "Power of the future: a timeline to energy independence" in LiveScience)


India surpasses China in population
(source: "Global catastrophes and trends: the next 50 years")


Available knowledge now doubles every 72 days. The US's debt has become insurmountable. Most print media has been replaced by electronic media. All art uses media.
(source: Attali, "A brief history of the future: a brave and controversial look at the twenty-first century")