> |

April 17, 2013 |

This past Monday, we were on WGBH radio (Boston's NPR!), talking
about the Somerville Stock Exchange. Here's
the audio. Our part starts around the 1 hour, 22 minute mark.
> |

April 3, 2013 |

We finished our final quarterly report. It's available as a free
PDF here.
It's 183 pages of Somerville-y
goodness. It's got charts and graphs, and a whole slew of stories
about what Somervillians are doing to make their town a better place.
> |

April 2, 2013 |

And here are the final stock values!
Community: $27.10
Environment: $14.51
Creative: $17.33
And here's
a really great article that the Somerville Patch
wrote about the Exchange.
> |

April 1, 2013 |

Ok, we're working on the final stock prices. Check back tomorrow!
And in the meantime,
take a look at this
really nice article that the Somerville Beat
wrote about the project!
> |

March 31, 2013 |

And... that's the closing bell, folks!
We've just posted the
final stock values. And soon, we'll put up the final stock reports.
Check back soon...
...and thanks to everyone
who helped make this project so successful!
PS-- Here's
a short article about our closing day in the Boston
> |

March 28, 2013 |

The Somerville News ran a nice story about the Exchange here.
And there's still time
to get stock! Just email us at somerville.stock.exchange@gmail.com
> |

March 21, 2013 |

Just 10 more days, everyone. If you want stocks, just get in touch!
> |

January 13, 2013 |

And... we're back! We just updated the stock prices a few days early.
And yesterday, Tim was
on Unreglar Radio's "Two hotheads: where activism happens"
show today, talking about the Somerville Stock Exchange and community
involvement. It was a great program-- James and Laura from the Mass
Pirate Party talked about online privacy, keeping the internet open,
and creative commons. An activist named Garrett talked about fighting
the TSA's policy of random searches on the subway; and the hosts
talked about drug reform.
> |

January 1, 2013 |

Happy new year, everybody!
We're taking a break,
so there will be no stock updates til January 15th-- but...
...we did prepare the
3rd quarterly report. It's an 86-page monster, full of stories of
community involvement! Good ideas about how to be environmentally-friendly!
And creative endeavors! All written by Somerville residents.
Here's the PDF.
> |

December 1, 2012 |

Tomorrow, we'll have a table at the Local Is For Lovers event at
the Armory. We'll be there from 11am til 5pm.
Stop by to earn "Somerville stocks" by sharing what you're
doing the make Somerville a better place, or by making a donation
to a local nonprofit. Or to get ideas by seeing what others are
doing. Or...just to say hi!
Here's a professional
sign we made for the event, out of thumb tacks, yarn and foam core.

> |

November 14, 2012 |

And we're back in business after a break! The new stock values are
up. Take a look...
> |

November 3, 2012 |

We wandered around Somerville this weekend, putting up new flyers
about the project.
Here are two of them.

> |

November 1, 2012 |

Hi everybody-- We're taking a vacation, and aren't updating stock
prices today. Tune back in on November 15th!
> |

October 19, 2012 |

J. Marechal wrote a really
nice story about the Exchange for Spare Change News.
The article is online, but be sure to buy a copy-- the organization
benefits homeless folks.
> |

October 9, 2012 |

We wrote a short piece about the
Exchange for Shareable (which is an amazing website
about alternative economies and sharing). Here's the link
> |

October 1, 2012 |

Big upset, as Community stocks fall 25%! Read
all about in the forums, and also...
...in our second
quarterly report-- which has 62 jam-packed pages.
> |

August 15, 2012 |

We just got word that we'll have a table at the Spoke festival in
Union Square on 9/8. Very excited. Check back soon for details.
And... here's
the 7th Somerville Stock Report for Patch.
> |

July 29, 2012 |

We updated the stock prices a few days early, so we could close
shop for a few days.
Big shake up in stock
values! Community stocks fall from first place to last place. Creative
stocks almost take first place! Read all about it in the forum...
> |

July 13, 2012 |

We just finished the first quarterly report. It's a 40-page PDF
full of charts and graphs about the project's first 90s days. It
also lists all of the wonderful things people are doing to make
Somerville a better place.
the PDF. Get in touch if you want a printed copy!
> |

July 6, 2012 |

Just added links to all of the stock reports we wrote for Somerville
Patch. Here's
where you can find them.
> |

July 5, 2012 |

On Satury, July 7th, we'll have a table at the Union Square Farmers
Market. We'll be there from 9am to 1pm. Stop by and say hi-- and
get some stocks!
> |

June 15, 2012 |

And... here's
the Somerville Stock Report for Patch. (Everytime we update
the stocks, we also write an article for Patch about why
stocks have their new prices.)
> |

June 14, 2012 |

We did the update a day early this week. Surprise!
Community stocks are
through the roof, and after such a slow start! Read all about in
the community forum.
> |

June 3, 2012 |

We are going to have a table at the SomerStreet festival today.
Stop by and say hi!
> |

June 1, 2012 |

We updated stock values today (Community was the big winner, once
again!); and wrote about the reasons stock values changed for Patch.
> |

May 31, 2012 |

Susan Johnston wrote a very
very nice article about us for the Boston Globe
today. Thanks Susan!
> |

May 15, 2012 |

We wrote our second
blog post ("Somerville Stock report") for
Patch. It explains all the reasons that stock "values"
changed. Take a look!
Also: Aaron Dentel-Post
wrote a really
really nice article about the Exchange for the Somerville
Scout today. Thanks Aaron!
> |

May 11, 2012 |

We just confirmed that we'll have tabling space at the SomerStreet/FossFest
street festival on Sunday, June 3rd. Stop by!
> |

May 3, 2012 |

Chris Orchard wrote a really
nice article about us for Somerville Patch.
Thanks Chris!
> |

May 2, 2012 |

Somerville Patch is letting us blog about this project. Twice
a month, when we update share values, we'll also write a short article
about why the values have changed. Here's
the first article.
> |

May 1, 2012 |

And... shares go up even further! See the forum
pages for more details.
> |

April 28, 2012 |

We just got word that we'll have table space at the Union Square
Farmers Market on Saturday, July 7th. Very excited to be part of
the market!
We're working on some
more tabling events. More soon!
> |

April 15, 2012 |

We updated the
stock values for the first time-- and added information to the forum
pages. The forum pages show information about what
different community are doing to make Somerville a better place--
as well as some news stories and current events that have impacted
life in Somerville.
This is something we'll
do twice every month. Check back for updates-- or follow us on Facebook
or join our email list by emailing us at somerville.stock.exchange@gmail.com
. Thanks!
> |

March 31, 2012 |

And... we're open for business, folks! Get in touch!

January 26, 2012

We just partnered with our third nonprofit-- Somerville
Climate Action. Any money you donate through this
project for the environment will go to SCA.

January 18, 2012

And now we're on Facebook. Connect with us here.

January 17, 2012

And our website is live! Hello world! In March, you'll be able to
acquire Somerville Stock Exchange shares!

December 19, 2011

We've partnered with both the Somerville
Arts Council, and the Somerville
Homeless Coalition. Donations for the arts that are
made through this project will go to the Arts Council--while donations
for community will go to the Homeless Coalition.