participant predictions
Somerville annexes
Porter Square, to help Cambridge stay afloat. The parking lot of
Porter Square shopping center will have a green roof installed above
it which becomes a community garden. People will grow their own
fruits and veggies and have a barter-driven farmers' market on Saturdays.
(source: Adam Olenn. To see all of his predictions, click here.)

(image source: modified from a map from the US
Census Bureau)
All cars are
banned and Somerville becomes a walk/bike only town.
(source: Lauren Schumacher. To see all of her predictions, click

(image source:
The Urban Ring
line opens.
(source: Andrew Lynch. To see all of his predictions, click

source: Andrew Lynch. Click here
to see the full map)

Other predictions
The search for
meaningful lives comes to the foreground. Traditional families shrunk
in size, people lived longer. Sustainable diets. Art of living replaces
materialism. Proliferation of VBOs (value-based organizations),
based on desire to be responsible for one's actions. Monitoring
of corporate behavior, quality of workers' lives and wages.
(source: Tellus Institute," The great transition")
25 percent of
U.S. electricity comes from renewables
(source: Schirber, "Power of the future: a timeline to
energy independence" in LiveScience)
US is considered
best investment place worldwide until 2025. China is 2nd-ranking
economic power worldwide; by 2040, it will surpasses US in GDP.
India surpasses China in population. City dwellers people will live
more than 25 miles from downtown worldwide. More than 10m Americans
will be over 85. Half the world will suffer lack of enough drinking
(source: Attali, "A brief history of the future: a brave
and controversial look at the twenty-first century")
